JODI is a popular Dance reality show in Tamil Television industry showcasing breathtaking dancing talents. This Jodi season 9 was a dance battle between Reel Vs Real jodis. Now the show has reached its climax,...
One Popular fiction airing in Vijay television is Mapillai. The serial airs every Monday to Friday at 9 PM. Usually in Tamil television fictions the leading lady of the house are meant to heal wounds and bind a...
Celebrities are getting their dance shoes ready! The show is back to spice up your weekend evenings! Tamil television industry’s popular Reality show Jodi no 1 is coming back with all new episodes in its season...
Kabali is doubtlessly the most awaited movie of the year. The movie is all geared up to hit the screens this July 22nd, 2016. Kabali fever around the city is way too high, not only among Rajinikanth fans, as ev...