“Kavalai Vendam” starring Jiiva and Kajal Agarwal in the lead and Directed by Deekay of “Yaam Irukka Bayamey”is rapidly progressing and is all set to release on October 7th on the commencement of pooja holidays. This new age rom-com Kavalai Vendam has Bobby Simha, Sunaina,RJ Balaji,Mayilsamy, Balasaravanan,Manobala,Shruthi Ramakrishnan,Madhumitha,and Manthra in the pivotal roles. The Scintillating music of Talented – Youngster Leon James is expected to hit the musical charts very soon.
“We have a commitment as a production house to the audience to provide them entertainment value in time to time. “Kavalai Vendam” as the title suggest is an apt movie to watch in the holidays. Jiiva and Kajal Agarwal are very vibrant and their screen presence will be a great boost to this film. Director Deekay has dwelled upon few factors that will attract the audience to the screens and sustain their interest too. The amalgamation of talents in the cast and crew list add great value to this feel good entertainer. We are confident of providing a clean slate of entertaining content and feel good factor to the audience who insist on endorsing films that can enhance celebration” says Producer Elred Kumar.
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