The Veteran filmmaker Suseenthiran’s upcoming movie shoot commenced today in Chennai. This Multi-Starrer which has Udhayanidhi Stalin and Vishnu Vishal in the lead roles is produced by RED GIANT MOVIES. Manjima Mohan, the current toast of Kollywood town and the heroine of Simbu’s ‘Achcham Enbadhu Madamaiyada’ is romancing Udhayanidhi while Megha Akaash is cast opposite Vishnu Vishal. Speaking about his collaboration with Udhay, director Suseenthiran said, “Working with Udhay sir is indeed a pleasure. I was waiting for the right script to suit Udhay and now the time has started. I have seen his growth and determination to prove his versatility, which made me to work on this script.” In this untitled project the music score is by D. Imman and the man behind the camera is R Madhi, editing by Kasi Viswanathan.
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