Whenever a film erects with a story that revolves around a ‘Common Man’, there will definitely be a huge expectation among the audience, since it connects with them very easily. Once again it can be witnessed by the Sibiraj – Nikhila Vimal starrer film, which is now titled as ‘RANGA’. Directed by debutante Vinod, a former associate of Director V.Z.Dhorai and an ad film maker, this Action-Thriller film is being produced by Vijay K Celliah under the banner ‘BOSS movies’. It is to be noted that RANGA is well backed up by a bunch of talented technicians that includes Cinematographer Arvi, Editor Ruben, Music director RamJeevan, Stunt choreographer Dhilip Subbarayan, Title designer Tuny, Costumes designer Sathya NJ and choreographer Viji.
“RANGA is all about a common man who protects the people around him by facing struggles, just like our ‘KAAKUM KADAVUL’ ‘RANGA’nathan. Hence we titled our film RANGA. I can confidently say that the Audience can witness Sibiraj in a never before seen role, and this complete action thriller film will be a visual treat for the Audience. We have completed our first schedule of shoot in Kashmir, and very soon we will commence our second schedule in Chennai and Pollachi” reveals Director Vinod in a positive tone.
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