Red Giant Movies took a gigantic stride towards enhancing the pattern of film making by announcing their production number 12 with a simple ceremony in Chennai. Udhayanidhi Stalin an emerging star cementing his space in the commercial arena joins hands with Director Suseenthiran to deliver this commercial extravaganza. ‘ Working with Udhay sir is indeed a pleasure, i was waiting for a right script to join him , and here it is …it is happening now. His growing stature as a star and his intentions to prove his versatility is the biggest motivating factor behind this script.
Vishnu Vishal is joining Udhay sir for an equivalent and parallel role in this film. Vishnu’s confidence level is evident all over , thanks to his hat trick hits. Manjima Mohan the latest sensation of ‘Achcham yenbathu madamaiyada’ is paired opposite Udhay, and we are on a search for an other heroine to be paired opposite Vishnu Vishal. D.Imaan will compose the music and Madhie will handle the camera. It is Madhie’s consecutive project with Red giant following Manithan , and it reflects the good will he had generated. We are contemplating various ideas for the title and iam sure we will arrive upon an apt title in time. We will commence the shoot from march and the audience can be assured of an amalgamation of visual, musical and conceptual treat ‘ concluded director Suseenthiran.
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