Whenever a film erects with a story that revolves around a ‘Common Man’, there will definitely be a huge expectation among the audience, since it connects with them very easily. Once again it can be witnessed b...
Beauty and talent together is the unique identity of the ‘Kidaari’ girl Nikhila Vimal. After skipping the hearts of Tamil Audience through her realistic and lovable performance as a typical rural girl, the pret...
Sathyaraj's Nathambal film factory production's next film "Production No.3" will have Sibiraj and Ramya Nambeesan in lead. This film is directed by Pradeep Krishnamoorthy whose Saithan is going to release nex...
Sathyaraj presents nadhambal film factory production no 3, Sibiraj,Ramyanambisan,Sathish film shooting starts from Today Director Pradeepkrishnamoorthy and Other Grace the Event. PRO - Johnson (more…)...
Good time continues for the versatile actor Sibi Sathyaraj. After receiving huge positive reviews for his sleeper hit Naaigal Jakiradhai and the recent hit Jackson Durai, Actor Sibi Sathyaraj is all set to co...
"I always have Special Love for Fish" says 'Kattapava Kaanom' Lead Aishwarya Rajesh
Rich in talents, Aishwarya Rajesh was mostly identified with roles beyond her age and the roles beneath her day to day soc...
Sathya (Sibiraj) a sub inspector of police is posted to the village Ayan Puram where the peoples are suffering from the ghost Jackson living in a haunted Bungalow. Sathya meet Viji at the first sight he fall in...